Strategic diagnostic of conservation issues
The most immediate application of the SEMA framework is to guide the diagnosis of complex conservation problems.
From 1995 to 2006 I used the dwindling population of brown bears in the Western Pyrénées as a test case for strategic analysis (see publications). The following book-length text (written in 1998) presents the use of SEMA for the diagnostic of conservation issues.
Since then, several dissertations have developped such diagnostic to new depths, including Maya Leroy‘s research on the management of the ecosystems of the river Senegal, and Romain Taravella‘s research on deforestation in the Terra do Meio (in the Brazilian amazon).
The framework is repeatedly used for diagnostic of conservation situations e.g. in field exercises and master dissertations of students following one of the training courses that support SEMA (EDDEE, PPSE, GEEFT).